Fly Guardians

Community land stewards protecting and preserving an incredible landscape.

The Fly Guardians are a network of volunteer land stewards who care for Fly Ranch, contribute to its projects, and help others enjoy the space. This unique role is a cultural hybrid of Black Rock Rangers, Gate Perimeter and Exodus, Friends of Black Rock High Rock docents, and Earth Guardians. Fly Guardians monitor the property, interact and educate visitors, and prevent trespassing or misuse of Fly Ranch. Guardians spend several nights at a time camping in the desolate beauty of the Hualapai Valley and experience the land.

About the Guardians

What does it mean to be a Fly Guardian?

How do I become a Fly Guardian?

What's the history of the Fly Guardians?

Become a Guardian

The first step to becoming a Guardian is to reach out.